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Dear students,

Today, 24.03, the Polish government introduced regulations restricting movement in the public space. Implemented measures are those that have already been applied in many other countries facing the difficult epidemiological situation.

From today (24 March) until 11th April, the possibility of the gathering is strictly limited. The ban refers to meetings in groups of more than 2 people. It is also strongly recommended that you do not leave your home for purposes other than buying food or medical supplies or moving to and from work. For flagrant violation of these extraordinary regulations, you may be fined up to five thousand zlotys! Among others, restriction imposes a requirement on commuters to be sited for the time of a bus or a tram ride, keeping a distance of single empty chair to another person.

At this point, we would like to strongly emphasize that the regulations being introduced are, above all, a clear signal to make the essence of social responsibility understandable in the context of "social distancing", as currently the best method known to us preventing the spread of Coronavirus. This does not mean that any accidental meetings (e.g. in a shop or on the street) should be avoided. It's a blatant violation of the new regulation - ex. party, barbecue, group sports activities - that will be punished. Unfortunately, until the danger persists, we must limit our daily behaviors, bearing in mind the welfare of our relatives, friends and community members.

If you have any questions, please send an email on or WhatsApp to +48730072730.

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kalendarz studenta

Marzec 2025


wydziały WSG

Dziekanat - Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki