Jesteś tutaj : Aktualności/News
We kindly inform about changes in study organisation and presenation of schedule of studies:
1. All b-learning and e-learning classes in this semester are conducted without changes (Schedules/ E-learning)
2. All lectures planned this semester in class:
a) from 12 March will be conducted on ONTE (Schedule/E-learning)
b) from 26 March will be partly conducted in real time using Microsoft Teams (Schedule/List)
3. All exams and tests for the forms mentioned in pt. 1 and 2 will be conducted on ONTE
4. All other forms of classes i.e. workshops, laboratories, field classes, consultations, simulation games, language courses and internships will take place at a later date.
Dear students,
Today, 24.03, the Polish government introduced regulations restricting movement in the public space. Implemented measures are those that have already been applied in many other countries facing the difficult epidemiological situation.
Drodzy Studenci,
Poniżej znajdą Państwo numery kontaktowe do służb sanitarno-medycznych.
Szanowni Studenci,
uprzejmie prosimy o zapoznanie się z nowym zarządzeniem JM Rektora Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki w Bydgoszczy ws. odwołania zajęć w bezpośrednim kontakcie:
Dear Students,
We kindly inform about changes in study organisation and presenation of schedule of studies.
Przygotowujemy specjalne procedury przyznawania świadczeń dla naszych studentów, mimo braku zmian w wytycznych Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, pozwalające nam wypłacić bezzwrotne zapomogi.